Pediatric And Adolescent Dentistry Of Rockland County, P.C.
16 Squadron Blvd. Suite 101 | New City, NY 10956 | 845-269-7953

What Sets Us Apart

I am so excited to welcome you to my practice, Pediatric And Adolescent Dentistry Of Rockland County! I’m located on Squadron Blvd in New City, down the block from the New City Library. My practice is a woman owned family run pediatric dental practice. We definitely understand families and always want you to feel secure, relaxed, comfortable and valued.

Our Disney inspired office was designed with your infant, child, and teenager in mind. From their first tooth until college graduation we understand children of all ages and I am dedicated to providing you with the highest quality dental care for your child.

The most wonderful aspect of being a Pediatric Dentist is that I can make such a positive experience for your child and your family that it lasts a life time. Can you imagine, a whole life time of beautiful smiles and good oral health?

How do you and I do this? Together, we are partners. The key is prevention and education. Your child and you having visits that are fun, positive, and educational. It’s knowing that we adore what we do and it’s all about your child. Knowing that as a Pediatric Dentist I’m specially trained for your child’s specific oral health care needs and in conjunction with your Pediatrician keep your child healthy. Knowing that I go the extra mile to build a long lasting relationship on trust, respect, and confidence.

And that dental manual your child wasn’t born with, well, I wrote one just for you.

Dr. Fern Cytryn - Pediatric Dentist in New City, NY

Whether it’s playing Nintendo, watching a movie, singing to the Wiggles, selecting your child’s favorite toothpaste flavor, or choosing that extra special prize from the treasure chest; you know that together you and I are laying the foundation for a life time of beautiful smiles and good oral health. Just don’t be surprised when your child doesn’t want to leave.

If you have any questions about children’s dentistry or would like to meet us and see our office before you bring your child, please call and set up a complimentary “let’s get acquainted visit.”

So next time your out and about at the New City Library, Shops at Nanuet, the Palisades Mall, on Main Street, or any where in Rockland and you see me, don’t be shy come over and say hi!

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Patient Thank You Notes

Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY
Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY Patient Thank you for Dr. Fern, Pediatric Dentist in Rockland County and New City, NY

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